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Donate to the Library
The Library is always grateful for donations. Gifts of money, real property, and/or stock will be accepted, if conditions attached thereto are acceptable to the Board of Trustees. Outright grants or income from bequests to the Library are received and administered by the Board of Trustees, according to the wishes of the donor and the needs of the Library.
Personal property, art objects, paintings, antiques and other objects will be accepted at the discretion of the Board of Trustees.
If you are planning a bequest to the library, we recommend that an attorney be consulted. Bequests can be complex, and may come from many sources, including a Life Insurance or Pension fund. You may choose to make a gift through a Last Will and Testament or Trust, a Gift of Appreciated Securities / Stocks / Mutual Funds, a Charitable Gift Annuity, or some sort of Charitable Trust. An attorney can ensure that your gift is properly executed to give you peace of mind.
Individuals may donate to the library via a designated or undesignated gift: ​
Undesignated gifts go to those areas of the Library most in need.
Designated gifts: your donation goes to a designated are of support. Examples:
Contribute to Children's, T/ween, or Adult programming or sponsorship of programs.
Request your funds be directed to support our technology efforts.
Contribute towards building and grounds improvements.
Contribute money towards our materials collections -books, dvds, and more.
Towards furniture or equipment.
Towards staff development and education.
To make a gift, please make a check out to The Weeks Public Library, and mail to the library, attention: Director, PO Box 430, Greenland, NH 03840. Please include a note indicating the purpose for which you would like your gift to be used. And, yes, your gift is tax-deductible.
Feel free to contact library director Adam Shlager at (603) 436-8548, or via email weekslibrarydirector@gmail.com if you wish to learn more, or to discuss a gift you have in mind.
Alternatively, you can make a gift to the Friends of the Library, a 501c3 non-profit. The Friends' generous contributions to the library help support programs for children, teens, adults, and families throughout the year.
At this time, the library is not accepting donations of books, DVDs, and music CDs.
Thank you for your support!